
Monday, March 4, 2019

Exploratory Research on Pizza Heaven Essay

1. wildcat look into is a form of search conducted for a difficulty that has non been clearly defined. It helps determine the best research design, data collection method and selection of subjects. Even from the definition of searching research we squeeze out see, that it is done in order to define the problem and to help understand in which direction the further research should go. Exploratory research is preliminary, and is not conclusive, the quality of information provided is not perfect, and also the focus group chosen(40people) was not really representing the whole of the students at watt coast. indeed they should not yet implement the findings, because the data provided by 40 students cogency not be applicable to all student at West coast. 2. The problem pizza Heaven has faced is that their sales demand slipped. That could be receivable to competition from national chains such as Pizza Hut or Dominos, so questions about competition should be asked.(Because potentia l clients might like roughthing about the competitors more e. g.pizza itself, tar, atmosphere in restaurants) also, they noted that the selection was often poor Sales could have slipped, because of the order of products Pizza Heaven offers, so that topic has to be covered as well, including questions about new possible pizzas. (Because it may be that competitors are fling some types of pizza that Pizza Heaven dont have) A decrease in sales can also be due to poor customer service, so that topic should also be covered. hoi polloi said that pizzas were usually dry and cold why? maybe delivery took too long, that should be explored in more details. 3. maltreat One Establishing the extremity for Marketing Research The need is already established, as there is a decrease in sales pervert Two Defining the enigma So the problem is a decrease in sales, due to what ? Step Three Establishing Research Objectives Hard Competition? Poor range of products? requirement better customer servi ce? those are the questions to ask. Step Four ascertain Research Design.Descriptive and Causal Research should be done. Step cardinal Identifying Information Types and Sources Primary data should be collected, but also secondary winding data could be of a little use, for example if the sales dropped overall and not only by Pizza Heaven, due to crisis or some opposite reason Step Six Determining Methods of Accessing Data We should have people asking the question, and also questionnaires coming with each pizza could help. Step Seven Designing Data collection FormsCan be questionnaires(must be worded objectively, clearly, and without bias in order to communicate with respondents), surveys, or both can be done through email (although there is only a 5% response rate) Step Eight Determining Sample envision and Size Sample Size should surely be more than 40 people from one location. Also a sample should be representative, e. g. not only student of age 18-20, but also every other age groups. Step Nine Collecting Data Step decade Analyzing Data Step Eleven Preparing and Presenting the Final Report.

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