
Monday, March 4, 2019

Racial Diversity Worksheet

According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia African Americans let experienced significant changes in their economic, social and governmental standings since the Civil Rights Movement. African Americans have more access to draw inting a higher education, a better paying job, and they are more involved in the American political process than any early(a) minority group in the United States. Even though you still break umpteen African Americans aliment in poverty, struggling to survive, and having limited access to healthcare, you also see many African Americans working extremely hard to accomplish many great things.Many of them have great jobs, own their own homes, and are living a wonderful life solely together. For example, gibe Obama beat all the odds and became the first African American President of the United States. Barrack Obama survived beingness and average American to complete school, go to college, raise a family, and eventually becoming the President. He is changing the w ay the average African American and Americans in general are viewed and what their potential standings in economic, social, and political America will be.I know that President Obama is having a great deal of issues rightnow and not looking like a faithful role model, but at one point he was soul that African Americans and all Americans did look up to.1. There are two definitions for racism. The first definition of racism is the belief that race accounts for differences in adult male character or ability and that a particular race is superb to others. The second definition of racism is discrimination or prejudice establish on race. There are many shipway that racism affects diversity. racism keeps large number away from people of contrary races and with that happening they are not learning about all the different ethnic backgrounds.2.According to the depicted object Journal the interactions of racial groups has become more positive than negative or neutral. Many people do not see their friends and neighbors as different races even though they are. Today many people are cleared to diversity. They are willing to learn more about the different ethnic backgrounds, because of the potential day to day interaction with friends, family, and neighbors.3. Even though we the people believe that we are all equal there is still be social inequities based on race. African Americans and Latinos are more in all probability to live in high- poverty communities than poor white people.This means that African Americans and Latino are at high risk of not being to have quality schools, housing, healthcare, affordable consumer credit, or anything else that will help them to get out of poverty.4. I believe that the causes of racial prejudice and discrimination in todays society is people are afraid to give a person of another racial group a chance to prove who the very are. Many people live in the past and are brought up to believe that their racial group is superior over any other racial group. Many of these people are stuck in their own ways and are not open to any change.

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