
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations Charles daemonGreat expectations is a novel written by Charles Dickens. He was provoke in bringing about change and his novels dealt with suchtopics as evaluator and punishment, the widening gap between the richand poor and so on. He believed that the divisions between the classeshad produced a diseased and unhealthy society. During the Victoriansociety, women suffered many disadvantages. Women were restricted onmen, unless they were rich. Women were expected to serve and obeytheir husbands. In this novel the principal(prenominal) function is Ms. Havisham. MissHavisham is an eccentric wealthy old woman who lives in a manor septnear welts village, who has discriminate herself to take her revenge onmen because Compeyson, the bride groom who she is supposed to restoremarried left her on the day the marriage was fixed. This resulted inMs. Havishams isolation. With a kind of manic, obsessive cruelty,Miss Havisham adopts Estella and raises her as a artillery t o achieve herown revenge on men. She has raised Estella to be the factor ofher revenge, training her to break mens hearts. Ms. Havisham calls onfor Pip, a teeny boy to play in her dramatic art. He is both the character,whose actions make up the main plot of the novel, and the narrator,whose thoughts and attitudes shape the readers perception of thestory. Pip meets Estella, the proud and haughty adopted daughter ofMiss Havisham. She delights in mortifying Pip, calling him a commonlaboring boy with coarse hands. She expect to make Pip fall in love withEstella so that she force out take her revenge. Ms. Havisham representsDickens view of woman who did not perfectly go through their female roleas well as the rich speeding class who he saw as diseased. The way Ms.Havisham speaks and withal the language used by Dickens gives the readera mop up picture of her. The language used to describe her is mislead and unrealistic as this is the situation in which we findher in. This essay w ill explore whether this character is reallyunrealistic or whether Dickens intends to show Ms. Havisham to beexaggerated for a certain reason.On Pips first get word to Ms. Havishams house, Satis house, heobserves a very old house which is barred. The house is made of oldbrick, and dismal, and had a great many press out bars to it. There was alarge brewery at the side of the house and it seemed that there was nobrewing going on there for a long time. The windows are all walled up.This gives the impression that the house has been isolated from the

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