
Monday, March 25, 2019

1910-1920 :: Essays Papers

1910-1920Between the old age of 1910 and 1920, the Silver Era, the United States experienced many firsts. For the first time in history, women were becoming more politically powerful. In 1916, Jeanette Rankin held a seat in the U.S. Congress, making her the first woman ever to do so (Sheet Music...). quartette years later in 1920, the nineteenth amendment was passed, giving women the right to voting in political elections. The eighteenth amendment was passed as well, beginning the short-lived restriction of alcohol. In 1917, the United States became involved in the First World fight by declaring war on Germany, three years after its head start in 1914 by. Also in this decade, the first Trans-Atlantic ocean marger, the Titanic, sunk in 1912, causing over 1, 500 people to die.The United States was also in the process of industrialization. Industries were built and electricity was the new form of power. Electric lights became accessible and the first movies were made. By 1916, 2 1,000 movie houses were testimony of a new persistence (Hacker and Zahler 99). Automobiles became prevalent and that caused the need for roads to be built The early developing of the automobile industry wakened a new and much stronger demand for surfaced roads (Hacker and Zahler 101). Henry Ford was a major contributor in propelling the automobile industry. He improved the assembly line and mass production of parts. By 1914, the automobile industry had developed such characteristic features as standardization of parts, minute subdivision and mechanization of labor, and even the assembly line in manufacturing (Hacker and Zahler 100). The United States experienced great social and industrial trade on a national scale as well as international scale.One of the primary major world casings that took place in this decade was World War I. This began in 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary was assassinated. The U.S. didnt get involved with this war, however, until 1917 and s tayed involved until its ending in 1918. Increasing technology contributed hard to the fatalities of this war with the inventions of deadly explosives, steel tanks, and poisonous gas (SF Timeline). This double precedent war for Germany was finally held at a standstill in November of 1918. A peace treaty was signed on June 28, 1919 at Versailles, France, ending the lay waste to four- year war in Europe. Another important world event that heavily affected the future of the world was The Bolshevik Revolution.

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