
Saturday, March 23, 2019

Political Cartoons and Republicans :: essays research papers fc

IntroductionThe republican company was founded by a coalition in 1854 and was comprised of former members of the Whig, Free-Soil, and Know-Nothing parties. The slavery income tax return shattered Americas established political landscape and catapulted the Republicans from what seemed interchangeable nowhere straight into the White House in 1860. After Fremonts attempt at winning the presidency in 1856, Lincoln win the election four years later, cementing the Republican Partys believe for executive power. In the later onmath of the well-mannered War, the United States found itself politically gridlocked. Neither the newly formed Republicans nor the Democrats were able to gain much traction. The decades after the Civil War saw some of the closest and most polemic races in American history. The Rutherford B. Hayes commissioned election victory is a great example as he had fewer popular votes than surface-to-air missile Tilden, but won the election under the guise of the Elector al College. The 1888 election was withal very close, as less than 100,000 votes separated the leading candidates genus Benzoin Harrison again won by the rules of the electoral process but doomed the popular vote. During the Gilded Age of American history, the mainstream political scene was sciolistic and intensely partisan, but the regular Joe loved it. Despite the lack of issues, writes Morton Keller, suffrage and straight ticket voting in the 1870s and 1880s was at or near the highest level in American history. He also contends that policy had become subordinate to the sumptuous display of parades, bonfires, and pep rallies. accompany this era of political advertisement and propaganda, the political system itself depended upon a spoils and financial backing allowance, which gave rise to political corruption. Political cartoons and mass media grew up with the end of the Civil War as well. As Harpers weekly, Judge, Puck, and the New York innovation all competed for popular ac ceptance, they helped reform the political corruption of the time. After the exact election of 1896, the nature of party conflict changed. The close competition amongst the parties in the post Civil War period was replaced by Republican dominance. Mckinleys defeat of William Jennings Bryan in 1896 and 1900 was followed by Republican victories in both presidential election until 1932, except for Woodrow Wilsons victories in 1912 and 1916. This will be explored later. As the Republicans also controlled Congress from 1896 to 1930, except for during Wilsons tenure, they were dominant over but the South.

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