
Friday, March 8, 2019

Hemingway (Sun Also Rises) and Fitzgerald (Great Gatsby) Essay

F. Scott Fitzgeralds The enormous Gatsby and Ernest Hemingways The insolate also Rises both define the culture of the 1920s by dint of the ways and thoughts of their characters. The characters in both novels have a sense of sadness and emptiness, which they crock up finished intimate urge and alcohol. This stern be attributed to the disillusionment surrounding the bulky War, better known as World War I. Jay Gatsby in The abundant Gatsby represents the Jazz Age and high life of the 1920s, in contrast to Brett Ashley as the New Woman of the 1920s and Jake Barness embodiment of the incapacitated times in Hemingways The temperateness Also Rises. The Great Gatsby illustrated citizenry ambit for the American Dream. The Sun Also Rises instills a permanent emotion, what many members of the disconnected genesis searched for, into the reader by presenting a sense of nostalgia for the better past.Fitzgeralds 1920s was full of life, flappers, m iy, alcohol and jazz. It was a ti me of happy spirits, neer ending wealth and the American Dream. Many believed that through hard run and perseverance one could be as rich as they wanted. unity could own a mansion and a car and the latest fashions and come through the high life. The flapper, a major symbol of the 1920s, wore their hair short and bobbed, pacify that was applied in public, and baggy short dresses that exposed skin. She thought sporting, talked fast and was perhaps level(p) a bit brazen. Theyre alone in all desperadoes, these kids, all of them with any life in their veins the girls as soundly as the boys perchance more than than the boys.(Fabian) Money encompassed the spirit of the times. It represented the pop life, modern days, felicity and the American Dream and everybody wanted it.It seemed that there was not a thought who was not fashionably chic and dressed equivalent they were rich. Everybody drank alcohol all the same though it was illegal a party in a Harlem nightclub wouldnt be as much fun without alcohol. Who couldnt digest the sweet welf are tunes of jazz music flowing through plaque instruments? Jazz is a joyous revolt from convention, custom, authority, boredom, even sorrow.(Rogers) Originally, jazz sprang from the black culture, but the young people of the 1920s adopted the music and even began playing it themselves. Dances such as the Charleston, Black Bottom, the Shimmy, and Fox Trot, were invented to accompany the upbeat music. (Watson) All of these elements are included in The Great Gatsby.Jay Gatsby in Fitzgeralds novel is the archetype male of the 1920s. He has it all money, a freehanded figure, a mansion, a cream-colored automobile, British lingo, and some sort of inexplicable see nigh him. He is new money subsisting in westside Egg. Yet despite his lavish parties and impressive mansion he is never be accepted by those who live in East Egg, where obsolete money lives. The West Egg and East Egg are peninsulas that are a mere few mil es apart where the notwithstanding separation is the bay. (Fitzgerald) Fitzgeralds peninsulas represent the same gap many Americans had to face in the 1920s.The ii peninsulas are so close that Gatsby is able to see the green ignite coming from the Buchanans dock yet he cannot take storage area of the light because he isnt allowed to be a part of the partnership of Daisy Buchanan, his unattainable love who is married to Tom Buchanan. Fitzgerald uses Gatsby to contract on the American dream. It is his undying hope. Gatsby believes soon he will be able to be part of Daisys life. His optimism is so strong that in response to gouge Carraways comment You cant repeat the past, he says, fannyt repeat the past? Why of course you can(Fitzgerald) He believes he can make anything happen. Even his disastrous end is caused by not himself but those who did not want him to succeed. hardly as the American Dream was the central part of life in the 1920s so it is in The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald both as a writer and a man understood the American Dream and its risks and re contendds. Fitzgerald had lived the American Dream. He, just kindred Gatsby, had desired an unattainable love whom he couldnt have until he was rich and successful. The 1920s was the dawning of the American materialistic age and where credence and wealth were of the utmost importance. It is the caprice that still exists today in American culture. Fitzgerald also describes the careless and senseless parties that took place during his time, similar to the parties Gatsby had. It was all about the money and if one couldnt have it, one would turn to sex and alcohol. (Sklar)Hemingways consume of the 1920s was almost the opposite of Fitzgeralds. Sex and a great deal of alcoholism were apparent and were used to subdue the perennial sadness caused by World War I. The young men went to state of warfare betweenthe ages of 18 and 25, when they would have normally become civilized. Many of these people lived to find a permanent emotion or nostalgia after living through the disillusionment of the Great War. capital of France was the expatriate capital. It was where the boldest modernists were. Many Americans who survived the war wanted to escape the newfound materialistic life and traveled to Paris and other major cities in Europe.Gertrude Stein called these people the wooly-minded genesis and invented the term. Many were writers, artists and creative thinkers, including Hemingway. Many had hoped to experience their very own gypsy and artistic being in Paris. Though the term first came to put one over to those who had just come out of the war, the Lost Generation gradually became all American expatriates and in particular those with artistic and literary preferences. Hemingways The Sun Also Rises expresses the uncivilized and aimless Americans who lived in Paris, and later Pamplona, Spain, who personified the term Lost Generation. (Mills)Lady Brett Ashley and Jake Barnes are two charac ters that display the qualities of the Lost Generation. Brett is seen as a New Woman of the 1920s. Jake describes her hair being brushed back like a boy. (Hemingway) She is trapped amid two styles of gender depictions that of the woman on a platform and that of the independent and sexually liberated contemporary women. In contrast to flappers, New Women were educated and a product of an industrialized city. Brett set her body and doesnt believe in the value of a family. Brett is wizard and carelessly sleeps around with other men. She snubs feminine models of cleanliness, faithfulness, and obedience. Instead Brett insists on sexual independence and self-expression while ignoring the rules of a patriarchal marriage. Robert Cohen, a recent caramel brown of Bretts, comments she is Circe, turns men into pigs and controls them using sex and simulated love. This later turns the men against each other. Brett is seen as a threat to the social order of her group of which she is the only fe male. (Hemingway)Jake, out of all the characters in the novel, is the most civilized character and is ordinarily embarrassed by his friends. He is still a member of the Lost Generation yet he is more civilized than the others. To compensate for his more civilized nature he constantly drinks alcohol, which was how much ofthe Lost Generation spent their time. He is also the modern protagonist in the novel. He is an American and a contemporary man who has seen through the political and patriot front wall of the war to assured facts about modern disgust embodied by World War One.Jakes war brand, genital injury, represents the impotence of modernity and a media-flooded ethical and religious alienation. Jakes sterileness juxtaposed to Spains fertile country allude to the clichd idea of the 1920s of a lost legitimacy or completeness such as bullfighting and boxing. Jakes wild interest in bullfighting is a part of his search for the permanent emotion that he searches for as well as Hem ingway did. He carries nostalgia of how good life was before his war injury and wishes he could return to the past. (Finnegan)While Hemingway put much of himself into Jakes character, he resented the women of the Lost Generation. He correctly characterized the people and culture of the 1920s by making the nature of the characters in his novel intolerable and primitive. He make the novel self-conscious of the primitive images it presents, knowing they are a modernist clich of his time. Just like much of the Lost Generation, Hemingway searched for a pure style that would for good capture an emotion. This was also considered as a civilized nostalgia for a barbaric ball of tragedy and triumph. This deep reactionary level of thought can be seen throughout The Sun Also Rises and the Lost Generation. (Finnegan)The two novels focus on American life since after the Great War Americans held a new philosophy of materialism that Europeans did not. Americans started to believe that the more p roperty that was have the better their chances of succeeding economically and socially. Because of this newfound materialism, many writers including Hemingway and Fitzgerald, were attracted to Americans. It was the Americans belief in the American Dream and the feeling of no place in the world and continual circling of the world, the Lost Generation, that influenced the characters decisions and actions in both novels hence the names The Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises. Fitzgerald titled his novel The Great Gatsby for the reason of Gatsbys never ending optimism as Hemingway titled his novel The Sun Also Rises to allude to the excerpt of Ecclesiastes he placed at the beginning of thenovel, The sunniness also ariseth, and the sun goeth gown, and hasteth to the place where he arose. (Hemingway)Hemingway used The main inequality between Fitzgerald and Hemingway, as well as they way they thought and wrote, is that Fitzgerald avoided war service while Hemingway served the Italian ar my and encountered a near demolition experience. If one were to try to learn about the people of the 1920s through a textbook they would not learn the peoples behavior and general attitudes on life in general. One wouldnt be able to be captured by that permanent emotion Hemingway constantly searched for and one couldnt experience the struggles of Fitzgeralds American Dream. One couldnt experience the new revolutionary modern way of writing that Fitzgerald and Hemingway had impressively presented. deeds CitedJim Finnegan. The Sun Also Rises (1926) Lecture Notes (Last Day of Discussion). Fall 2001. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. http//www2.english.uiuc.edu/finnegan/ slope%20251/sunrises.html November 28, 2004Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York Collier Books Macmillan Publishing Company, 1925.Flaming Youth. Warner Fabian. John Francis Dillon. 1923.Hemingway, Ernest. The Sun Also Rises. New York Collier Books Macmillan Publishing Company, 1926.Ian C. Mills. He mingways Paris. 1998-1999. DiscoverFrance.net.Rogers, J.A. Jazz at Home. The Survey Graphic. 1925Sklar, Robert. The Plastic Age, 1917-1930. New York George Braziller, 1970.Sonny Watson. Swingstreet.com. 1999. http//www.streetswing.com/histmain/z3jazz1.htm November 26, 2004

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