
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ge 1 Fw Format

GE 1 Fieldwork 2 Pacing and Compass Traverse Objectives 1. To be suit fitted to quickly estimate distances by means of pacing order. 2. To be able to determine centerings by means of the magnetic compass. Instruments Tape, Markers, Range Poles and Pocket magnetized Compass Procedure 1. Consider the polygon bounded by the sidewalks round Melchor Hall engineering building. Determine the lengths of the engineering block bounding lines by coolly walking at the center of the pavement starting from any of its corners, overtaking in a clockwise direction, until you reach the starting point.Take note of the image of paces that you make for each line. Also, determine their lengths using tape. 2. Determine the magnetic direction of the lines using the magnetic compass. The forward and back bearings must be mulish for each line. 3. Make a sketch of the compass traverse indicating the molding distances and the direction of lines. Table 2 below indicates the required observed bearings (directions) and attach distances. Table2.Observed and Adjusted Bearings of the Compass Traverse OBSERVED BEARINGS LINE TAPED surmount FORWARD BACK 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1 4. Compute the relative precision of the pacing method by comparing the circumference distance estimated by pacing and the perimeter distance determined by taping. Relative precision (RP) = Taped infinite (TP) Paced Distance (PD)/Taped Distance (TP). Show all necessary computations. The table indicating disparity and relative precision is shown in Table 3 below. Table3.Discrepancy and Relative Precision TAPED DISCREPANCY RELATIVE LINE NO. OF PACES PACED infinite DISTANCE (PD-TD) PRECISION 1-2 1 2-3 3-4 4-1 = _____ = ______ 5. Write an soulfulness typed report of this fieldwork in A4 surface bond papers. Present properly the required results of the followed procedures, brief discussion of the results and a conclusion. Do not forger to mention your pace factor. 6. Submit individual report on or before 500 PM of Ju ly 12, 2012. belatedly submissions have corresponding penalties. 2 1K

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