Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Dissertation Quality Essay Example for Free
Dissertation Quality Essay After perusing the reports on standards for different types of research, it appears that my particular dissertation should more or less be held to the highest possible standards, given the circumstances under which my research will be undertaken. The standards for quality that have been cited by the varying types of review boards have certain criteria that they share. Review boards vary mainly in the type of use that they make of the research that is submitted to them, and a large part of this variance is concerned with the availability of funds. Certain boards; like the National Science Board (NSB), the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH); award sizable grants for particular research and therefore seem to have a higher degree of selectivity at the proposal level. In such a scenario, the greater part of the proposals submitted fail to be supported by these institutions and are (by default) considered of lower quality. Universities, on the other hand, are under much less of an obligation to fund dissertations and also have a more vested interest in improving the quality of proposals and dissertations submitted to their committees. Differences exist therefore because of the type of examining board to which research will be submitted. However, despite these differences, it has been found that the criteria for excellence that act as a benchmark for quality dissertations do possess similarities to those required by the various other types of research. Still, the methods of evaluation have also been found to emphasize certain criteria while de-emphasizing others. Though quality dissertations like mine usually end up being significantly longer, they are themselves generally structured in a manner similar to peer-reviewed journal articles. These products of research are expected to provide detailed explanation of the author’s thoughts and actions concerning the research from the moment of its conception through its implementation and analysis (NIH, 2001; NSB NSF, 1996; Straub, Ang Evaristo, 1994). Quality research (including dissertations) therefore contains focused information concerning the background to the question or problem being considered. My dissertation should also contain evidence of extensive research in the field of inquiry, usually demonstrated through a comprehensive literature review. The question of the research is also expected to be formulated in such a way as to facilitate direct empirical study, and the methods used should be presented in detail within the body of the research. Evidence of the statistical analysis of data should also be presented in elaborate form within the dissertation and the results subsequently discussed in detail. Finally, the major implications of the research should be reiterated, conclusions drawn, and recommendations given (2001; 1995; 1994). Despite the fact that the dissertation (like other forms of research) should follow this general pattern, certain value judgments concerning the quality of the product at each level must also be made. In general, the dissertations should be held to a standard dictating that the problem addressed within it be of some significance to the research field (NIH, 2001). This has been described as â€Å"an original and significant contribution†to the particular discipline, and demands that the research seek to expand or advance scientific knowledge in some definable way. The onus should be placed upon me (the presenter of the dissertation that seeks to be of true quality) to explicitly communicate how my research measures up to this standard. Through this measure my educational level will also be exposed, and further knowledge concerning my mastery of his area will also be gauged through my discussion of the literature that has been reviewed. This discussion should be measured according to the extent to which it demonstrates a high level of understanding of the material being dealt with, and such understanding is only enhanced by the recognition of gaps in research that the dissertation itself proposes to fill. Quality dissertations are also held to a high standard regarding the methodology chosen for the implementation of the study used to gain contemporary empirical data. The quality of my dissertation should therefore also be gauged according to this standard. As a researcher, I should be expected to adhere strictly to proper scientific methods, and express evidence must be given within the dissertation itself that this has been performed. Beyond this, however, most reports on research quality or eligibility make some reference to â€Å"intrinsic†or â€Å"intellectual merit†(NSB NSF, 1996; Lovitts, 2005). In fact, some review boards have given guidelines that appear Hippocratic in their natureâ€â€requiring not only that researchers practice good science and produce dissertations that add unique knowledge to the field, but also that they fulfill a pedagogical responsibility as well as contribute to the improvement of society (Comer, 2005; NSF, 1996). My dissertation must also be held to such a standard. Resources do play a big part in the ability to produce a meritorious dissertation. In fact, one particular report has mentioned a criterion that gauges the usefulness of the environment in the performance of the research associated with a dissertation (NIH, 2001). The availability of resources and technology that aid in research performance (or the availability of the funds necessary to procure these) will have a significant impact on how well my dissertation is written. Furthermore, the quality of my dissertation will also depend on the intellectual resources available to meâ€â€competent, qualified and knowledgeable professors and the access to journals and other scientific and peer-reviewed journals (Comer, 2005; Straub, Ang Evaristo, 1994). These variables take a great deal of money to fund, and their availability for use will actually depend on the researcher’s ability to attend a university that provides these resources. Some researchers have revealed a certain amount of skepticism when considering the methods employed for measuring the quality of research. These persons have indicated that the measured quality of research has the ability to change depending on the perspective from which it is scrutinized. Therefore, a dissertation which might appear â€Å"excellent†when viewed from one standpoint might be considered only â€Å"acceptable†when seen from another standpoint (Lovitts, 2005). Much of the merit granted to a dissertation (or resulting journal publication) depends on the reputation of the researcher, and this in turn can be gauged by a number of factors. Reports also suggest that the level of funding granted (or to be granted) has a bearing on the amount of scrutiny that a research product will undergo. However, it must be noted that reputation can be superficial. Substantial research might be overlooked because a rivaling product has been compiled by a researcher with a better-known name. Similarly, research might be given a high-quality label solely because it has been performed with the aid of a large grant. The reasoning behind this is that the grant would not have been awarded had the research idea not been highly original, innovative, and possessing of all the intellectual and pedagogical qualities named above. However, the point that such report-writers make is a valid one: that the quality of a dissertation should be judged not on such peripheral factors as the name of the researcher or grant amount, but on the intrinsic qualities of the actual research produced. My dissertation should be granted the same courtesy: it should be judged on the merit of its intrinsic qualities (as described in earlier paragraphs) rather than on other superficial variables. One particular report on the quality of dissertations has mentioned the label of â€Å"acceptable†being given to an otherwise high-quality dissertation because of the failure of the methods or the achievement of an unfavorable outcome. Specifically, one report has noted that â€Å"In experimental disciplines, otherwise good dissertations are considered acceptable when experiment(s) do not work out, and students get null or negative results†(Lovitts, 2005). It is therefore notably the case, sometimes, that theory and practice do not concur. In such a case, it appears that the quality of the dissertation is faulted (2005), though it is not certain why this should be definitively the case. Should theory and practice not concur in the execution of the experiments covered in my dissertation, consideration should be given to the value even of such a contradictory finding. Such a value would (and should) be emphasized within the dissertation itself. The scientific nature of researchâ€â€even at the dissertation levelâ€â€should admit all findings into the annals of research even (and perhaps especially) when practice contradicts theory. (This should, of course, be contingent on the proper performance of my experiment. Furthermore, it should also be considered that the ability to make theoretical ideas practical may be a limiting factor in experimentation. One example of this regards the ethical idea of informed consent, which works well in theory, but in practice sometimes harms the outcome of experiments (Bassett, Basinger, Livermore, 1992; Schrag, 1979). The quality of my dissertations should be measured according to my ability to provide creative and effective methods of dealing with any problems that arise from discrepancies between theory and methods. The considerations named above are applicable to me. Though some potential problems may no longer present a barrier to my completing a quality dissertation (as I have succeeded in procuring many of these resources) it must be noted that the standpoint from which my dissertation is viewed will likely have an effect on the perception of its quality. It is fair to base the quality of my dissertation on the efficacy and incisiveness of the research question and problem it addresses. It is also fair to judge its quality based on my competence, as will be revealed in my interaction with the literature reviewed. Furthermore, the methods I employ to implement the experiment must be sound and discussions insightful and comprehensive. However, research suggests that one should also consider the idea of bias, as a quality dissertation presented by certain researchers who (even within a university setting) may not be regarded as highly as others, might be overlooked or undervalued despite its innate value (2005). My dissertation should be treated with courtesy and valued as much on its intrinsic merit as possible.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Drinking and Driving Essay -- essays papers, drunk driving, alcohol
Drinking and Driving Should Blood Alcohol Percentages for Drunken Driving Be Lowered? Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things you can do. Alcohol causes varying degrees of the following side effects in everyone who uses it; dullness of sensation, lowered sensory motor skills, lowered reactive or reflexive motor responses, impaired thought processes, impaired memory, impaired judgement, sleep or sleeplessness, and in extreme cases can cause coma and death.†(Hardcastle 1). Would anyone want a person on the road with these side affects. Alcoholics have even worse side affects to alcohol. Look at the picture above. How many times have you watched the news and seen a reporter reporting at the scene of a drinking and driving accident like this. How sad it is to think of one man who died in such a accident. When he realized that he was going to die, he asked his Mother "Please take care of my babies. Keep them together as a family!" What if that was a family member or friend or even you? What would you do if you lost any of these people? To lower the number of drinking and driving death and accidents in this country we should lower the blood alcohol percentage. People die everyday in this country, but did you know that â€Å"Every 30 minutes someone in this country dies in an alcohol related crash.†(Stone 1) If we lowered the blood alcohol level from .10 to 0.08 there would be fewer drinking and driving accidents. People do not realize that a blood alcohol level of .10 makes you at high risk for getting in an accident. At this level you will have â€Å"Slowed reaction times, impaired motor functions, recklessness and "dare devil" behavior.†(Hardcastl... ... keep the roads safe. This step in society will impact the whole country and will thereby define what is legal and reasonable drinking. Lowering the blood alcohol level might not change how people drink but it may in fact safe their life. People will never understand the devastating effects it will have on a person until they lose someone they love. Bibliography: Berman, Rick. â€Å"Should Blood Alcohol Percentages for Drunk Driving Be Lowered?.†Reading and Writing Short Arguments. Ed. William Vesterman. California, Mountain View:, 2000. 48-50. HardCastle, John. â€Å"Impacts of Drinking and Driving.†(1999): Abstract. 4 Dec. 2000 . 1-4. Stone Lee, Judith. â€Å"Should Blood Alcohol Percentages for Drunk Driving Be Lowered?.†Reading and Writing Short Arguments. Ed. William Vesterman. California, Mountain View:, 2000. 46-47.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Quality of Care in Health Care Settings Essay
Questions Answered: What is the problems with quality care today? Why is quality of care lacking in areas? Quality of care plays an important role in assuring the standards of nursing performance. By providing specific performance requirements, standards of nursing performance can improve and provide quality of nursing care in health care settings (Scope & Standards, pg 33). Quality care is one of the most significant nursing standards of modern time. This particular standard must be implemented by nurse’s everyday. One of the main concerns in nursing practice today, is quality of care in the health care setting (iom.edu). Recent reports from the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the Institute of Medicine’s Quality Initiative (IMQI) brought immediate attention to the public on the collapse of quality of care. The reports focused on the need to recognize, develop, evaluate, and ensure the quality of health care in the United States (nursing world.org). Both the ANA and IMQI represent a systematic effort to advance health care quality and patient safety concerns. Many other institutions have felt the need for further disciplinary actions to improve quality of care in healthcare settings. Organizations such as the American Heart Association and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality have also recommended that the healthcare system launch a systemic proposal to increase the quality of care. The American Heart Association has made the Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group (QCOR IWG) to provide quality care to heart patients (americanheart.org). The QCOR IWG is a multidisciplinary group committed to making a significant contribution to improving patient outcomes and healthcare quality. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality developed a National Healthcare Quality Report to facilitate the needs of patients around the United States. By doing so, they are raising awareness to healthcare institutions for the improvement of quality of care (ahrq.gov). Private groups such as the National Quality Forum (NQF), Leapfrog group, and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) made recommendations and efforts to ensure healthcare quality. All of the organizations are trying to make an attempt to lower client dissatisfaction, identify specific quality indicators, and increase the quality of care in every health care institution in the United States (ahrq.gov). A 2004 study, done by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, concluded that 45.1 percent of people were not receiving the care they needed (ahrg.gov). Healthcare systems are now aiming at quality improvement, education, and implementation of quality care (ahrq.gov). The ANA gives reasons for the lack of quality care in institutions today. One of these reasons is the lack of professional care. The registered nurse (RN) has one of the lowest censuses of the healthcare professionals and highest in demand. RN’s are now faced with an enormous amount of patients, little time to care for their individual needs, and long strenuous work hours. Longer hours from the nursing shortage lead to RN burn-out. This burn-out creates decreased quality of care, medications errors, and an increase of patient safety risks (nursingworld.org). A nurse, D. Thomas, from the local Nursing Home discussed her time of burn-out. She states,One day, I had thirty patients to care for all by myself. I had two nursing aides that did everything except medications. The whole day I passed out dozens of meds. They didn’t have anyone for the next shift and my manager asked if I could work some over time. I worked sixteen hours that day. I made three medication errors and two patients had new pressure ulcers, but there was no one else to care for these individuals. The bad thing was, I didn’t even care for them, I just handed them their meds. The aides did all of the work because I was so pressured for time. That’s the way it is now, more nursing aides and less nurses. No one wants a nurse’s job because it is not what it seems (D. Thomas, personal interview, October 31, 2007). Some healthcare facilities have instituted more unlicensed personnel to take place of the professional nurse. This is thought to be a way of quickly saving money for the institution. Staff substitutions have become major issues for patients today. In 1996, the ANA conducted a survey examining the concern of the quality of care in health systems. Out of all the adult clients polled, three-fourths indicated a serious concern that good quality of care is harder and harder to find. Thy also concluded that substitutions can be a â€Å"quick fix†to save money, but in the long run, they will minimize the quality of care for the patient (nursingworld.org). Another major issue that limits quality of care is insurers. Insurers are tearing down refund rates and decreasing the number of services covered (Scope & Standards, pg 18). I found this statement to be true when I interviewed a patient, C. Erlain, who is a Blue Cross Blue Shield health plan member. He states,My insurance does not cover all of my procedures and tests. I am mad because I pay a lot of money each month to have good coverage and I don’t get the care that I need. One time I was at the doctors and he said that he could only spend fifteen minutes with me because my insurance does not allow me to go over that amount of time. I was so frustrated. How would I get the care I needed? Even if I got another plan, they would also have restrictions, so I don’t get the care that I want or need. If I could say anything to those insurance people, it would be why am I paying for something that doesn’t care about my health? Those people only care about the money, not the people. It’s unfortunate (C. Erlain, personal interview, November 2, 2007). From my own experience in home healthcare, I was only allowed a limited amount of time to spend with the patient depending on their insurance. It was either fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, or one hour. Sadly, this was no always the best scenario for the patient. Although the patient was getting care, it wasn’t the care that they would have liked. One patient said to me, â€Å"Do you have to go already?†I was so busy that I could not stay and I knew no one could cover for me, so I left. It saddened me to feel that I hadn’t done my job to its full capacity. I had too many patients and too little time. An insurer made my patient visits more of a â€Å"hello†and â€Å"goodbye.†Americans are limited when it comes to healthcare benefits and insurers are escalating insurance premiums (Scope & Standards, pg 18). The estimation of uninsured individuals in the U.S. reached forty-five million in 2002 according to the American Hospital Association. Forty-five million Americans will not even have the opportunity to receive any healthcare, let alone have quality healthcare (aha.org). To expand the seriousness of the recommendation for quality of care, quality initiatives are going to large and small institutions to implement these suggestions. The government had made the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to bring about issues in the quality of care in healthcare settings (ahrq.gov). Implementing this task force helps to improve the quality of healthcare. It also better insures the health client that they will be provided with adequate care for their healthcare needs. Improving quality of care is a team effort. The government bureau, healthcare agencies, and many other organizations are working vigorously to take an active role to enhancing the quality of care in healthcare settings. By doing so, this team effort will reach its goal to help patients to receive the quality of care they deserve. Reference List Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2007). Guide to Healthcare Quality. Retrieved October 29, 2007, from http://www.ahrq.gov/American Heart Association. (2007). Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Interdisciplinary Working Group. Retrieved October 29, 2007, from http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3016540/American Hospital Association. (2002). Medical Liability: A Looming Crisis? Part I& II. Retrieved November 2, 2007 from http://www.aha.org/aha/research-and-trends/AHA-policy-research/2003-or-earlier.htmlAmerican Nurses Association. (2007). ANA’s Safety and Quality Initiative. Retrieved October 28, 2007, from http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ThePracticeofProfessionalNursing/PatientSafetyQuality/NDNQI/Research/QIforAcuteCareSettings.aspxAmerican Nurses Association. (2004). Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, MD: ANA. Institute of Medicine’s Quality Initiative. (2007). Health Care and Quality. Retrieved November 2, 2007 from http://www.iom.edu/CMS/3718.aspx
Saturday, January 4, 2020
How to Succeed in Your Literature Class
Listening, reading, and being prepared for your class can make a dramatic difference in how you understand the books, poetry, and stories for your class. Heres how to succeed in your literature class from high school through college. Be on Time Even on the first day of class, you might miss out on important details (and homework assignments) if youre even 5 minutes late for class. In order to discourage tardiness, some teachers refuse to accept homework if youre not there when class starts. Also, literature teachers may ask you to take a short quiz, or write a response paper in the first few minutes of class--just to make sure that you did the required reading! Buy the Books at the Beginning of the Term Or, if the books are being provided, be sure you have the book when you need to start your reading. Dont wait until the last minute to start reading the book. Some literature students wait to buy some of their books until half-way through the semester/quarter. Imagine their frustration and panic when they find that there arent any copies of the required book left on the shelf. Be Prepared Be sure you know what the reading assignment is for the day, and read the selection more than once. Also, read through the discussion questions before class. Be Sure You Understand If youve read through the assignment and the discussion questions, and you still dont understand what youve read, start thinking about why! If youre having difficulty with the terminology, look up any words you dont understand. If you cant concentrate on the assignment, read the selection out loud. Ask Questions! Remember: if you think the question is confusing, there are probably other students in your class who are wondering the same thing. Ask your teacher; ask your classmate, or ask for help from the Writing/Tutoring Center. If you have questions about assignments, tests, or other graded assignments, ask those questions right away! Dont wait until right before the essay is due or just as the tests are being passed out. What You Need Always make sure you come to class prepared. Have a notebook or tablet to take notes, pens, a dictionary, and other critical resources with you at class and while you are doing work at home.
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